Innovative Connectivity Solutions for BACnet and LonWorks
ConnectEx, Inc., provides robust communication interfaces for Building Automation (BAS), Energy Management (EMS) and Building Management (BMS) Systems. Our cost-effective solutions enhance both BACnet and LonWorks based systems, the two most common and powerful protocols available in today’s Building Automation projects.
Featured Product: BACnet Interface for i.LON SmartServer
The LonWorks®/BACnet Gateway Application for the i.LON SmartServer

- Provides an intuitive BACnet look and feel to any i.LON® site interface
- Compatible with all common BACnet AWS/OWS workstations
- Simple download to a SmartServer with programmability license
- Implemented as a standard SmartServer App
- Includes SmartServer BACnet Configurator (BACnet browser, discovery and configuration tool)
- Complies with BACnet Interoperability Testing Services, Inc’s “BACnet Conformance Test Suite”